A bad marriage not only damages your heart,
but also your very soul. However, most people do not think about their future
life when planning their marriage. But have you been wondering what happened to
the honeymoon spark and the marriage bliss you vowed to hold on to?
If you are now starting to feel like a
stranger in your own home, then it is time to review your marriage. Many people
are afraid of getting married because of the rate at which marriages are
The question is, what is killing marriages
these days?
1. Broken wedding
vows. On your wedding day,
you promised to love your partner and only them. But a few years after the
honeymoon, some people tend to break this vow. If you have arrived at the point
where you feel like your needs are not being met, then your union could be
heading south.
The feeling your current partner is now not
the ideal partner means something has really changed... either for you or for
them. You need to sit down and talk things over with your partner...
2. Avoidance of
responsibility. Marriage comes with
responsibilities... a lot of them. It's not like a date where everything else
can be forgotten for a few hours. If you or your partner were not ready for
marriage, then you need to find the areas that need work and focus on them
before they become major problems.
A person who is not ready to take care of his
or her partner and their family, doesn't really stand much of a chance in the
marriage stakes.
3. Unwillingness to
leave old habits. Once people get
married, they do begin a "new" life, a life somewhat different from
the one they were living before. Married life is different from single life,
and many people find the transition period a rather difficult and trying time.
Your partner will be offended if you don't
leave your single, bad habits behind. If you made the decision to leave your
single life and settle down, then you have to be willing to stick with it.
4. Strange habits. Most of us manage to hide our "not too
pretty side" during the dating period. However, you can't hide who you
really are forever, and many of your bad habits will, sooner or later, show
dishonesty, and even
poor hygiene
are a few of the "not too pretty
side" many people manage to hide until after the wedding day. And they are
some of the best love and marriage killers.
If you need help getting past them, then by
all means get help! Talk to a marriage counselor... it's better to leave bad
habits behind than for them to cause your marriage to be left behind.
Learn about yourself... what makes you this
way? Are destructive emotions at the heart of the problems you are experiencing
with your marriage. If so, maybe you need to get control of what you are really
telling yourself.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has
searched for and found the principles to help you get to the root causes of your
The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your
friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.